Kaboom! Junior, its documentation, and related materials are (C) 1993-95, Nova Development Corporation. Portions (C) 1991-95, Rock Ridge Enterprises and WeatherVane Software. Rights of both parties reserved. Licensed sounds (C) and (P) 1993, Sound Ideas. All rights reserved.
With few exceptions, the sounds and music contained in Kaboom! Junior are not in the public domain. Therefore, it is against the law to copy or reproduce any part of the program or documentation, except as permitted by the Copyright Act of the United States, Title 17, United States Code.
Sounds and music contained in this product are licensed to you for your own personal "home" use only; that is, they may not be used for commercial purposes, nor may sounds be provided to others on any electronic media or incorporated into third-party software products. Any unauthorized copying, reproduction, rental, or broadcast of the information contained on the enclosed disks is a violation of applicable laws.
You may not copy, decompile, disassemble, or alter the program in any way or remove or alter copyright notices. You may, however, make working and backup copies of the software for your own use, labeled with the original copyright statements, provided that no two copies are used concurrently. If you eventually sell, lend or otherwise transfer this software to another party, no functional copies thereof may be retained.
This product is for use on any one single-user computer system. Nova Development sells site licenses separately.
Kaboom! and Kaboom! Junior are trademarks of Nova Development Corporation. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Nova Development hereby disclaims any implied warranty regarding the enclosed software, including without limitation any implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose or merchantability. Nova Development does not warrant, guarantee, or make any representations regarding the use or the results of the use of the enclosed software in terms of its correctness, accuracy, reliability, currentness, or otherwise.
Nova Development makes no other warranties, either express or implied, regarding Kaboom! Junior, its merchantability or its fitness for any purpose. Only you understand your software needs. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that Kaboom! Junior is the appropriate software for you. This warranty provides you with specific legal rights. There may be others that you may have which vary from state to state.
The entire risk as to the results and performance of Kaboom! Junior is assumed by you. Nova Development will not be liable for consequential or indirect damages arising out of the use of Kaboom! Junior. In no way will Nova Development's liability for damages ever exceed the price you have paid for this software, regardless of the nature of the claim. Certain states do not permit the exclusion or limitation of consequential damages. Therefore, parts of the above exclusions may not apply to you.